Honesty, Courtesy, and Integrity Will Not be Compromised.


The Bosses

(Pictured left to right Lt. Nast, Lt. Sanborn, Lt. Lynch, U/S Warder, 
Sheriff Murphy, Lt. Pringle, Lt. Leveque, Lt. Adas)

Personnel Strength by Classification:

1-  Sheriff 
1-  Under Sheriff
1-  Lieutenant / Jail Administrator
1-  Lieutenant / Contracts 
1-  Lieutenant / Jail Operations 
8-  Sergeants / Staff 
1-  Sergeant / Administration
1-  Sergeant / Transport Local and Federal
57-Deputies / Shift, Transport and Court 
1-  Jail Admin Assistant
4-  Booking Specialist 
1-  Jail Billing Specialist
4-  Jail Receptionist 
1-  Jail Chaplain 
2-  Chaplain Assistants
1-  Inmate Teacher ( GED, Life Skills, Thinking Matters) 
1-  Drug Court Instructor

Giving Back
The Livingston County Sheriff's Office participates in No Shave November,
also known as 'Movember', to recognize men's health and cancer.
In Nov 2017 52 Deputies participated collecting $2,580
that was donated to American Cancer Society.
(Picured left to right: Dep Howe, Sgt. Knapp, Sgt. Asquith,
Dep Heiob, Dep Howard, Dep Hatfield)

In September 2018 the Livingston County Jail SRT Hosted a 
Mock Riot with multi agency participation

Honor Guard in Action 

Defensive Tactics Instructors 
(Training with the Gracie Family in Howell)

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